Reiki Healing

See below the wide range of Reiki treatments Julie provides.

  • Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing, a universal life energy;
  • Karuna Reiki developed by William Lee Rand encourages the person to be more compassionate;
  • Jikiden Reiki founded by Chiyoko Yamaguchi, it is pure, simple and effective;
  • Angelic Reiki promotes powerful personal transformation and healing on the physical, mental and spiritual levels.  Julie was trained with Angelic Reiki system channelled by Kevin & Christine Core.

Usui Reiki

An Ancient Miracle for our Modern Times

The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly effects the quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. The existence of this ‘life energy’ has been verified by recent scientific experiments and medical doctors are considering the role it plays in the functioning of the immune system and the healing process. Because of this, it is becoming a more widely accepted concept.

usui reikiWhat is Reiki ?

Reiki is a technique for stress reduction that also promotes healing, allowing everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of ‘life energy’. Reiki is thought to have originated in Tibet thousands of years ago. Reiki was rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist early in the 20th Century.

What Reiki is….

Reiki is a Japanese form of healing. The first part of the word “rei” means guided, and the second part “ki” refers to the lifeforce.  Reɪki is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui,which has since been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands on healing.

Reiki gives you what you need, whether it’s a release of tension or an energy boost, or both. You do not have to be suffering from an illness to benefit from a reiki treatment. Some clients have Reiki to give clarity to their minds so that they can improve their businesses. Some clients choose to have Reiki to have some quiet ‘me time.’

Reiki can be described as being:-

  • Gentle:  Reiki’s touch is soft and light.
  • Harmless:  Reiki can only have positive results.
  • Natural:  You don’t need any equipment or tools.
  • Healing:  The highest level of healing is the goal of Reiki.
  • Balancing:  Reiki will balance your energy levels.
  • Relaxing:  This is the top reason why most people try Reiki. They want to experience the bliss of deep relaxation.
  • Energising:  If you’re drained of energy, Reiki will revive you.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki works by treating the whole person including the body, emotions, mind and spirit and creates many beneficial affects including relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being. Many clients have had miraculous healings.

Reiki is simple, natural and safe.

It’s even suitable for young babies. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect.

It must be emphasised, that Reiki is not a substitute for regular medical or psychological care, but works in conjunction with them to relieve side effects and promote healing. When my uncle was in St Mary’s Hospice, Selly Oak, Birmingham, I was allowed to give him regular Reiki treatments.

What is a Reiki Treatment ?

Reiki is administered by laying-on hands. A full treatment includes hand positions around the head, shoulders, stomach, legs and feet.The client then turns over, and the hand positions on the back include either side of the spine, the back, hips, knees and the treatment concludes on the backs of the feet.The client remains fully clothed and either lies in a Reiki bed or sits in a chair. For added comfort, the client can have a blanket wrapped around them. it’s a personal choice.

Hands-On or Hands-Off ?

The hands can be placed in contact with the person or the treatment can be given with the hands a few inches away from the body. This treatment is very flexible. The client directs how they want to receive their Reiki. The comfort of the client is of paramount importance.

How long is the treatment ?

A short Reiki treatment lasts approximately 30 minutes and I mainly work on the front of the client.

A full Reiki treatment usually takes between 45 minutes to an hour and a half so the client should allow themselves plenty of time.

What does a Reiki Treatment feel like ?

What one experiences during a Reiki treatment varies somewhat from person to person. However, feelings of deep relaxation are usually felt by all. In addition, many feel a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and surrounds them. At the end of the treatment, one feels refreshed with a more positive, balanced outlook.

Reiki Sessions

During the session with reiki, there are no special creams, oils, no manipulation of stressed muscles. I simply lay my hands on or off the client and quietly allow the Reiki energy to do it’s wonderful healing work.

What can be treated with Reiki ?

Reiki has a positive affect on all form of illness and negative conditions .Reiki energy seems to have an intelligence of it’s own as it flows exactly to where it is needed in the client and creating the healing conditions necessary for the client’s individual needs. It is not my own life force energy … I am purely the channel. If it was my energy, it would exhaust me!!

Is Reiki a Religion ?

Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Reiki is always guided by the Higher Power. Even if you don’t believe in the existence of a Higher Power, Reiki still works.

It’s a fantastic energy!

Reiki Share

Julie runs a monthly Reiki Share on the last Sunday of the month at a cost of £7.50, check the calendar on the event page for dates.  If you would like to come along please contact Julie for availability.

This non-invasive, completely safe healing technique is becoming more and more popular. When I first started doing Reiki treatments, clients had never even heard of it! As Western medicine continues to explore alternative methods of healing, Reiki is beginning to play an important role as an accepted and valued healing practice.

Karuna Reiki

karuna reiki

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as “compassionate action.”

When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one.

As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do.

In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by prajna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

Jikiden Reiki

jikiden reiki

Jikiden Reiki is Reiki with no Western influence. It remains unchanged since the early days in Japan. Chiyoko Yamaguchi and her son, Tadao founded Jikiden Reiki in an effort to make the original form of Reiki available to people across the world. 

The Yamaguchi family learned Reiki from Chiujiro Hayashi, one of the original 20 teachers Usui taught. They used Reiki all their lives to help each other and the community at large.

After the war in 1945 Reiki was outlawed in Japan and Usui’s gakkai (school) went underground and voed not to recruit members or give/teach Reiki to anyone outside the closed group. It remains a closed group today. 

The Yamaguchi family continued to give Reiki and teach people Reiki but it wasn’t until the 1990s that they suddenly discovered Reiki was known elsewhere. Many people came to talk to them about what they had learned back in the 1930s and they agreed to begin teaching official seminars to give people access to the original teachings in Japan. 

They called it Jikiden Reiki – meaning ‘directly passed down Reiki’.

Angelic Reiki

angelic reikiIn a one-to-one healing session, I the practitioner channel Angelic healing energy through my hands which are placed on the shoulders if the client prefers a sitting position, or on the chest and solar plexus if the client prefers to lie down.

The client remains fully clothed throughout. Clients have a profoundly relaxing experience as they listen to Angelic Reiki music, specifically channelled. The whole session lasts about an hour including a chat before and after to explain the healing and what occurred. The healing energy is channelled from the Angelic Realms via Healing Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters.

The scope of the session can extend to include multi-dimensional healing across generations and lifetimes. Distance or remote healing is equally powerful for those comfortable with the idea that energy is not bound by time or space and healing can be sent anywhere in the world through the ether.

All you need to do as a client is to relax and be open to receiving the healing. I always finish with giving thanks for the healing and a protection connecting to Archangel Michael.

To book a healing session with Julie just complete the form on the contact page and she will respond by return with availability.

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